Best Supplements For LUPUS


Lupus is a chronic and a complex systemic autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy tissue. There are many kinds of lupus, but the most common and severe type is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), which affects many internal organs in the body.

SLE causing widespread of IMMFLAMATIONS that mostly often harm the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. The course of the disease are unpredictable with periods of illness called flare-ups that alternate with remissions.

While explaining facts about lupus I am going to be recommending some of the Best Supplements For LUPUS in my opinion.

The Types of Lupus

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) – The term “lupus” is used to signal systemic lupus, since SLE constitutes the most common form of the disease, it’s what most people mean when they refer to “lupus”. This type can cause mild or severe Inflammations on multiple parts of the body. It is marked by chronic inflammation, especially of the kidneys, joints, and skin. The cardiovascular and nervous systems can also be affected.

Inflammation of the kidneys called lupus nephritis can affect the body’s ability to filter waste from the blood and It can be so damaging that dialysis or kidney transplant may be needed which are very scary situations. Inflammation of the brain can cause memory problems, confusion, headaches, and strokes.

Inflammation in the brain’s blood vessels can cause high fevers, seizures, behavioral changes and the Hardening of the arteries or coronary artery disease which is a buildup of deposits on coronary artery walls can lead to heart attacks.


Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus – Is not a true form of lupus. It is a rare condition that affects infants of women who have lupus and is caused by antibodies from the mother acting upon the infant in the womb. At birth, the infant may have a skin rash, liver problems, or low blood cell counts but these symptoms disappear completely after several months with no lasting effects. Some infants with neonatal lupus can also have a serious heart defect.

With proper testing, physicians can now identify most at-risk mothers, and the infant can be treated at or before birth. However, 1% to 2% of infants with neonatal lupus experience congenital heart blockage. This can be treated by the implantation of a pacemaker, and generally these children go on to lead healthy lives. Most infants of mothers with lupus are entirely healthy.

 Skin limited Lupus – Also known as lupus limited to the skin, many types of rashes and lesions, the most common called discoid rash is raised, scaly and red, but not itchy. Areas of rash appear like disks, or circles. Three types of skin lupus exists such as

~ Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (CCLE), also known as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)

~ Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (SCLE)

~ Tumid lupus.

A skin biopsy is usually obtained to diagnose skin lupus, and each form possesses its own characteristic lesions and pattern. Another common example of cutaneous lupus is a rash over the cheeks and across the bridge of the nose, known as the BUTTERFLY rash.

Other rashes or sores may appear on the face, neck, or scalp (areas of the skin that are exposed to sunlight or fluorescent light), or in the mouth, nose, or vagina. Hair loss and changes in the pigment, or color, of the skin are also symptoms of cutaneous lupus.

Approximately 10 percent of people who have cutaneous lupus will develop systemic lupus. However, it is likely that these people already have had systemic lupus, with the skin rash as their main symptom.


Childhood Lupus -Somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 U.S. children under 18 years of age have lupus, and a child with lupus is most often diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 15 but Children of any age can have lupus.

The lupus that occurs in children affects the body in the same manner as adult lupus.

Childhood lupus affects certain organs, such as the kidneys to a greater degree. The incidence of kidney disease in childhood lupus is about 2-times greater than that of adult with lupus.

Childhood lupus generally requires more aggressive therapy than adult lupus, yet physicians must keep in mind the risks of the long-term use of certain medications such as prednisone.
Since lupus is rare in children and can act like so many diseases, there can be a delay in getting the right diagnosis.


Drug-Induced Lupus Erythematosus – Certain drugs can actually cause lupus like symptoms in people who do not have SLE. The symptoms of drug-induced lupus are similar to those of systemic lupus, but it rarely affects major organs. This form of lupus is temporary and usually subsides within months of the time that the medication is stopped. The medications that can cause this is:

~ Methyldopa and Hydralazine known to treat high blood pressure or hypertension.

~ D-penicillamine in used of cases of metal poisoning.

~ Procainamide known to treat irregular heart rhythms.

~ Isoniazid for the treatment of Tuberculosis.

~ Anti-TNF used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis.

~ Minocycline used to treat Acne.

Some Major Flare-up Triggers to Avoid

Bad Eating Habits – Eat a balanced diet with a limited amount of sugar, salt, fat and an increased amount of protein. Keto diet is what I recommend. Vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant, garlic and alfalfa sprouts are said to increase inflammation and can trigger a lupus flare. Of course, you can have these things in moderation, but eating too many of them may cause an issue.

Eat sweet potatoes, broccoli, figs, collard greens, asparagus, avocados, Greek yogurt, sardines, salmon, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, dark chocolates. I recommend  Turmeric and Moringa supplements listed below.


Stress – Yes!! very hard to do with this illness but its very important to find ways to prevent or reduce the stress. There are things you can do to minimize and manage your stress to ensure your body and mind remain calm. Make sure to give yourself some “ME” time at least 3 times a week, take an Epsom salt bath to wind down, get a massage or acupuncture, pedicure or manicure, what ever it takes to help put you in a relaxed mindset.


Poor Sleep – Many of lupus patients have terrible sleeping habits, due to stress, family life, careers and of course lupus . It may not be possible to get an amazing night’s rest every single night but before you go to bed, try to unwind from all electronics devices, take that Epsom salt bath and/or listen and meditate to some white noise sounds, there are plenty of them on YouTube.

It helps and Sleeping well can bolster your immune system and help you avoid a whole host of illnesses that can trigger a lupus flare.


Excessive Alcohol Drinking – Drinking isn’t really good for anyone and this might not cause a flare up but it sure doesn’t help a flare up. It can cause you to feel a lot worst than most people do after they drink and will last for days on end.

Leading to a terrible hangover worst than someone who doesn’t have an immune disease, especially when mixing with prescription drugs which can lead to extreme results you wouldn’t want to experience.

Heavy drinking is not so suitable for people with an immune disease, you tend to get more intoxicated from less and quicker rather than someone without an immune disease, so if you want to drink, please keep it minimal and just stick to 1 or 2 and don’t let anyone peer pressure you. Stop when you feel you’ve had enough and hopefully you know your limit.


Too Much SunThe ultraviolet (UV) waves in the sunlight are responsible for lupus sun allergy. Ultraviolet light in the UVA and UVB wavebands is responsible. UV light damages cells in the skin causing them to die. Your skin is more sensitive to burns and the sun can cause lupus flare-ups.

If you live somewhere where the sun is pretty aggressive, or you go on vacation somewhere tropical, there are several things you can do to avoid getting ill from the sun.

It is important that you wear lots of sunscreen and reapply it as necessary. Wearing long sleeves can also help deter the sun and choose light fabrics such as thin cotton to wear to avoid getting too hot.

Wearing hats with a brim outside will also protect your face from the rays.


The Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

There are many different symptoms of lupus because the disease can affect any part of the body, The signs and Symptoms of Lupus differ from one person to another. Some people have just a few symptoms, while others have many.

  • Unexplained Fever
  • Prolonged or Extreme Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Ankle Swelling and Fluid Accumulation
  • Headaches
  • A Butterfly Shaped Rash Across the Cheeks and Nose
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to the Sun and other Light
  • Anemia
  • Mouth, Throat and Nose Sores
  • Seizures
  • Achy Joints
  • Swollen Joints
  • Skin Rash on Body or Face
  • Pain in the Chest when Breathing Deeply
  • Hair Loss and Bald Patches
  • Pale or Purple and Poor Circulation in Fingers or Toes from Cold or Stress

My Top Recommended Supplements

MORINGA -It is considered to be much safer to use than the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are often prescribed for lupus patients, including Voltaren, Kaspo, Adoil, and others. The multiple side effects of these drugs have the risk of kidney, circulatory, and digestive problems, just to name a few, increasing the risk of serious medical complications.

Moringa, on the other hand, by far are less toxic than the other remedies, and at least as effective. moringa is easy to combine with most medication because there have been no adverse reactions to it, and it contains no known impurities.

The leaves used for making the Moringa extract contain large amounts of anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, and anti-oxidant elements, and they are also rich in the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that bolster the immune system.

Above all, Moringa suppresses the COX-2 enzyme, which causes both inflammation and the pain related to it. It seems that anyone, including children and senior citizens in particular, can experience the benefits of taking Moringa


Purchase Miracle Maringa Here < or Below



TURMERICAs the seasons change, Lupus inflammation and pain can increase. Turmeric may reduce chronic joint pain and has been used as a Treatment for quite some time, it can help control and prevent spread of inflammation to other organs in lupus patients.

Turmeric is one of the most popular Superfoods on the planet with millions of people worldwide using Turmeric for its medicinal and natural healing properties. Its component curcumin is being widely studied in modern medicine today with studies indicating very promising and concluding results relating to supporting a healthy inflammatory response.

Curcumin found in turmeric is proven to have natural pain killing properties and in many studies, has been proven to outperform conventional painkillers. It also does not cause any side effects like NSAIDs.

~Curcumin can restore immune function in SLE patients.

~ It fights fatigue.

~It treats kidney damage in lupus.

~It can protect from side effects of lupus medications.

~It protects the skin from eczema.

~It alleviates depression.


Purchase Turmeric Here<^


Lets add the Turmeric and Ginger together PLS- Thank you!!

Ginger is another great Superfood root that is extremely popular. Some of ginger’s benefits includes plenty of support for digestive health, antioxidant effects, weight control properties and much more. The benefits alike Turmeric and Moringa, Ginger  helps to provide a healthy response to inflammations.


Purchase Tumeric & Ginger Here < ^


Turmeric is a very well known spice that many people already take for arthritis, pain, inflammation, brain health and many other health issues.  Turmeric is a plant that has a very long history of medicinal use, dating back nearly 4000 years.

PuraTHRIVE’s liquid turmeric has the Liposomal Nutrient Delivery System that protects and delivers turmeric to cells throughout the body and makes Turmeric up to 20 times more bio-available!

Find out more and purchase PuraTHRIVE’s Extract, Click Here < or Below


First, I dedicate this page to my Fiancé (Jessica) which is a (SLE) lupus patient and to all lupus patients because I feel, want and try to help as best as I can. This disease is extreme and I’ve seen the things that the lupus patient has to deal with, not fun at all.

As I’ve seen my Fiancé go through procedures and multiple issues, I wanted to find a way to help and this may be it. I am not a doctor but I know that this product helped and suppressed the flare-ups plus. The results may very on each person because everyone is different but I’ve seen the results and effects it had on my Fiancé, let me tell you that this is some incredible, potent greenery.

I hope and pray that the main product “Moringa”, can help you as well, no good luck (because I don’t believe in luck) but much prayers to all lupus patients.

Check out these Products below, Click on Banners below!!!









  1. I read a little about this and it sounds really interesting to me. Maybe I need to try something like this.

    • Give it a shot, I recommend it for all, with or without a disease, I take it on a daily basis, I even give some to my kids when they come up with a small sickness..

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